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Private Lending Solutions
Private Money Lending, Bridge Financing, Hard Money Loans, and really any funding that doesn't meet the general market guidelines that most banks and traditional institutions are lending to now are what is highlighted here.  If you are in search of alternative financing; you have come to the right place. With us, you can access lending programs that have flexible documentation guidelines. To the right of the page under program examples, you will notice some of the situations that can be financed with Private Money Financing.

There are a few banks, some life insurance companies, hedge funds, balance sheet lenders, and others we utilize that have programs which are driven to their portfolio and allow incredible flexibility.  We are able to provide greater solutions for more loan situations than most and have options for situations that fall in between conventional and private money.  You can view some of our Conventional Loan options by following the link.

Private Money is the perfect option for those that cannot get a bank loan, need a quicker option, or need a bridge loan to get to longer term permanent financing.  Most traditional lenders don't offer programs that fit the majority of people that are seeking financing, but there are many funds that have special niche products (which are usually not advertised) and have money to lend now.  These funds come and go and have different appetites for different types of property and situations at any given time.  This is why we constantly update and add to the funds we work directly with.

With many Private Money Lenders (like most traditional banks) they have their certain focus.  If you don't quite fit their program, you have to go somewhere else and start the process again or give up.  You could essentially end up going to half a dozen Lenders and come to the conclusion there is no loan available to you. However, there are many little-known viable options that may very likely be a perfect match for your situation.

In summary, the financing market is constantly changing, and with ongoing volatility any lender no matter who they are or what they choose to fund is always evolving. Private Money can be an excellent option for many reasons.  If you are new to the commercial financing world, are a seasoned investor, or a business owner looking for capital and can't meet most banks requirements or wait for 90+days, there are a lot more opportunities available. The benefit with us, is that many of the best and most unique products are available in one stop.  They can easily be personalized to your situation and provide a solution that you may not even think exists.  Even if you have been turned down elsewhere, it's important to have the most up-to-date options for commercial financing, and that is what is offered.  

Click below to get matched to a program unique to your situation:  


Request A Lending Solution


Cross-Collateralize or Blanket To Get Up To 100% LTV

Fast Closings & Rescue Funds

No Liquidity or Credit Minimum Options

Stop Foreclosure

Short Term Bridge Loans Until Sale or Conventional Refinance

Cash-Out for Debt Consolidation, Property Improvement, Working Capital & More

Refinance And Roll In Rehab Cost Use Appraised End Value

Refinance From Bankruptcy

Low Doc / Stated Options

Equity Lines & Seconds

Work With Current Lender To Get A  Discounted Payoff 

Non-Recourse Options

Loans For Non-Residents & Foreign Nationals

Get A Discounted Payoff & Refinance From Current Mortgage Default

Utilize Equity In Other Real Estate Owned For Down Payment

Asset Based Loans - No Credit Minimum

Interest Only & Fully Amortizing Options

Partner Buyout

National & International Options

Construction w/No Forward Leases

& Much More....

To Request a Fast Private Money, Hard Money or Bridge Loan Click Here!
To Request a Fast Private Money, Hard Money or Bridge Loan Click Here!
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